Friday, February 19, 2010

A Taste for Mandarin Oranges

They were plentiful at Novotel and now mom is craving them back at home.  Yes, back at home! 

She is feeling okay except for the persistent pain and being tired. She had another nerve block in a different place but it has had no effect thus far.  Mom has seen her oncologist and was very cooperative although a bit tongue-in-cheek about the Korean adventure.  Since Tykerb is not approved for lung cancer here in the States, she may have to order it from Canada.   Now, why would the same drug here in the States be TWICE as much as in Canada?  Yeah, there is nothing wrong with American pharmaceutical companies either.  Alrighty then.

Mom's oncologist has set her up to continue the other Chemo drugs per Dr. Moon's schedule.  It will (unfortunately) be awhile before she does a CT to see if there's any noticeable change.

Welcome back, Mom!