Friday, January 8, 2010

Day Eighteen

Oh my gosh, what a long day.  Had to wake up at 5am so mom could have breakfast as it was another CT scan day.  It's now 8pm and we're exhausted.  The day began at the clinic as usual.  Mom received stem cells and protein.  The stem cells were mine so I'm hoping she doesn't start sprouting blonde hair and reciting lines from Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  We then traveled to the Korea Cancer Center with two other patients and their family member and spent about three hours there.  Mom had the CT scan (with a much bigger needle than usual, for the contrast).  They also fitted her with an upper body cradle-contraption that will keep her in the same position for each of the 15 treatments. 

Tomorrow is Saturday (still Friday for y'all back home), so we're going to take the hotel shuttle over to Myeong Dong after clinic.  We're hoping to see Erika at the hospital between clinic and Myeong Dong.  If not, we'll go Sunday. 

Have to go now... mom is starting to dance on the bed with a hairbrush in her hand singing Hopelessly Devoted to You.  I need to tell Dr. Moon to use someone else's stem cells.