After mom and the other patients were finished, Dr. Moon treated everyone to lunch across the street. It is known for their chicken soup...
There's like a whole chicken in there!!

When we got back to the hotel, it was time to venture up the street to the laundry shop. It is up behind the hotel in an alleyway. It has a blue/white awning with a very kind man inside absolutely surrounded by mounds of clothes and drycleaning. There is literally just enough room to step in. Here is the outside of the shop and the alley:
There is one thing here that I had not prepared for. I was ready for the language, the culture and some of the area. I wasn't ready for what it would be like to be with the other patients who are really sick. The woman from Oklahoma was just diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer, her husband has Parkinson's. A man is here with prostate cancer which is now going into his bones. Another woman with Parkinson's and a man with frontal lobe dementia. My heart goes out to them. I found myself in tears yesterday at the imaging center. The woman with pancreatic cancer was with us and she wasn't feeling well, was afraid at how her cancer would affect her family and, I believe, very scared. When you're young and the older folks say the toast "to your health", you really don't give it much thought. But a time will come when it means a great deal.
Hubby and girls... I love and miss you so very much. To all of you... here's TO YOUR HEALTH.