... yes, it certainly is.
There are times I look down a long highway and excitedly anticipate what's going to be coming up along side me. I especially love a good road trip first thing in the morning. I've driven up to Mammoth when there was snow just covering the side of the road with the sun coming up creating little twinkles outside of my car window.
There have also been times when I've left a little too late on my return trip home and have found myself on long highways in the dark. What I anticipate then are desert creatures darting out in front of me and imaginary stalkers hiding out in the shadows just waiting for my car to break down.
Boy, have I driven a lot of highways in my lifetime.
Do you believe in "fate"? Do you believe that God has a "plan" for all of us? I don't. I believe that fate is what happens to us at the end of a decision or situation. And I believe that God gives us many highways... some we choose and some we just end up on.
This is a link to the National Cancer Institute (http://www.cancer.gov/), specifically to their Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment page.
On this page, there are the different stages along with links to current clinical trials.
There is also a "patient" tab and a "health professional" version tab at the top of the page.